A Month of Real Transformation


I have always liked tarot readings. I love the soothing voice of the readers I follow on YouTube, the sound of the cards shuffling deftly through their hands, the way each one of them reads the same card with a different interpretation… and that is intriguing, eh? The way humans live their lives depends on how they perceive the same pieces of information. Here are some of my recent findings for your own interpretation in this new moon phase:.

  • 2020 has been a year like no other. There is no way you can predict the future, but you can envision it. Thomas Frey, Futurist speaker, said: "The future creates the present.” How you cope, prepare, decide, and prospect should all be aligned with your vision and be applied to your present strategy, not the opposite. I have had conversations with countless local entrepreneurs these last couple of months and although many seem to be considering closing doors, some are preparing for a transformational future ahead of them. The pandemic certainly forced strategic business pivots and the invention of new ways to make money when much of the economy shut down back in March.

  • With productivity in mind, companies around town have changed the way they carry their marketing department. Sometimes the best, most creative and innovative minds in your business are not in your employ. Rand Fishkin wrote an article about hiring FTE's (full-time employees) vs. agencies or freelancers. What side are you on? Do you feel productivity, hard work, fresh ideas, commitment, is about the same between employees and freelancers? Would you hire a CMO or an agency to work on your yearlong marketing strategy?

  • Ah, the season of one-size-fits-all marketing plans (#petpeeve). How is that even a thing? In my many (maaaany) years as a marketer, I have never dealt with two companies that were even similar in their core values and offerings. And just this past month, I have been bombarded by Instagram ads about $29 marketing plans, adorable, young, and beautiful individuals selling their "expertise" via super cute and well-tailored ads. Don't...even....
    But because of the absurdity of that trend, I imagined a different way to swim against the tide, if you will. I am now open for coaching and consulting (working on web copy, as we speak), which translates into a customized, brainstormed, well-branded plan, with your business in mind. We will have real conversations about where you are, how we can improve your social media strategy, what actions you could take for more engagement, and find your online place and space. We are already taking in new clients, and I would appreciate some word-of-mouth about this new offering; I promise to do the same for you.

  • Other actions I have taken lately that felt right and keep on giving: I designed and ordered the buzzing stickers, and they are being sold on my website. 100% of sales will be donated to local charities, and I am very pleased with results so far! People GET it. I would love to have you check out the options and consider buying them for that special #queen in your life. Plus, rest assured that your money will be put to good use. For example, during the upcoming holidays, we will donate to the Food Bank of the Rockies.

  • Then, The Buzzing List. Such a simple idea. I have had clients in the past who requested names of freelancers to implement their marketing strategies and finding them on the fly was always a struggle. That is why I came up with this collaboration idea: just click the link, add your information, and let us all help each other with referrals. Now, instead of feeling guilty about recommending a specific person for a specific task, I send the whole list to clients and anyone who asks for a referral. I am so happy to report that the list of talents is growing, and people seem pretty stoked to have so many options in one place, absolutely free. #dontflyalone

  • I am also promoting a Brazilian hand-crafted jewelry line that generates income for small communities in the state of Tocantins, and uses sustainable harvesting practices to ensure long-term health of the soil and the continuation of its beneficial cycle. Please, visit my brand new Etsy shop and share the link with family and friends. It feels good to give presents that give back to people in real need.

Don't get me wrong, 2020 sucked. But in many ways, I personally find joy in challenges. Something that rocks my boat and makes me alert. As always, I am open to listen to your impressions, feedback, and ideas.